Dark Night in white forest

Dark Night in white forest

Talks to who are quiet,

That’s how loud is a night.

Comes alone or with the stars,

Visible to who observe and attend.

Makes the things cold,

Not for hearts where love beholds.

Comes slowly and is creepy,

Eats all, breathing and dead.

Disturbs not, like us,

Soothes, opens her arms and says,

Relax, sleep and dream.

Grows dark like a monster,

With body made of diamonds.

The starry goddess, is mystery,

Makes all the days, a history.

Enchanting to the Captain,

Like the gaze of Medusa*.

Looks at the him lying below,

Asks do you love?

Captain cannot say no,

Already she know.

Captain has turned to stone,

The night weeps dew.

Sacrifices herself,

Asks the day, make him alive.

Says the day, dead he is not.

Captain became love,

Went with the night forever.

Just see him in you,

When he shines back from the dew.

[*Medusa is a mystical figure, well known in folklores of the sea. She is goddess of the sea and a perpetual, eternal love interest of the sailors.]

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