A letter from Enaakshi – a little semasiologist, to her mum

Hello Mum,

Scrawling this lest you forget that you are the most pulchritudinous woman in the world. I still clearly remember gawking at your glabella when you would hold me in your arms. For yonks, the most important devoir of yours comprised of crooning lullabies to me so that I could go in a deep slumber. I have always been a light sleeper and would wake up to vex you in the witching hours. Your gladdening would make me go in my dream Lalaland. In the mornings, my eyes would be full of phosphenes with your love and care. Your diegesis never failed to mention that my vagitus made you cry in happiness. I tried (a lot) not to make you cry but the globules of happiness are a whole different lot.

Kids fun – Sauce – Gettyimages

During the rains – sleeping with you- I would wake up due to the petrichor. You would try all to make me stay in bed, but I would sneak, go out and get bedraggled. Something that I enjoyed so much; I still do. Playing in the feculent grass of the garden is one of the best memories of the childhood that I have. You tried your best to hide but have seen you crying when I got cut from the trenchant tines of the vines in the garden.

I have always been reckless at home and often hurt my minimus running here and there. My toys would be scattered all over, increasing your housekeeping exponentially.

You are a prodigious dancer but as a youngling I could not know the lyrics of your favorite songs, so I would use the unfathomable vocables. We both would dance like simpletons as if there was no ‘offing’. The spells of whirling and twirling would make us so enthralled and ravenous. To be unfeigned, your culinary skills have been mostly exploratory. However, you could conjure up some ambrosial food at times and I would get crapulence. Hehe, oh god!

When I started going to school, I did try to enunciate my overflowing love to you in my griffonage. Tough it was to read it, I know! You knew that already; I know that as well. Mothers do, they always do!

You have been immensely stoical with me. Remember, you taught me how to tie my shoes when I was not even two?? You would never get angry when I could not put those aglets into the shoe eyelets. I was small and could not really comprehend the significance of being self-dependent, then. I do that now! It is rooted in you. It takes an immense courage to raise a child as a single parent. I am nothing but grateful to you for equilibrizing all so extraordinarily.

Whenever I would be late to get back home from play you would get wambles. Even now when ‘I go partying tonight you get dysania overmorrow’. Have you noticed that your texts to me when I am away, end with interrobangs?! You are understandably, surprised and concerned, or both simultaneously.

Today, when I discern better, I realize that your shielding and punctilious love was not a cage but an agraffe. I, at times, felt you over-protected me but not now. I am an autarkical, strong girl. All because of you. I thank you for believing in me and telling me that choices matter, a lot. It is an imperative choice to make a choice.

Like mother like daughter
Like mother like daughter – Sauce:  fashion-pics.livejournal.com

Mothers are usually like tittles in the lives of the kids, very important but invisible and oblivious at the end.” 


Thank you for all that you have been. This is a debt that I can never repay even if I want to.

Love <3


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