Mediocrity – A boon or a bane?

Aha! Quite sure every one knows what this means. To be good for nothing or in short to be worthless.

The bigger question is why and how one becomes a mediocre. My take on take is twofolds. One, a person is actually someone who lacks ambition or the push to be anything else. Let’s say worthwhile!

Other is, he knows his worth something deep inside. He knows he is not a mediocre.

Rest of the part is about the second one, mostly. Well, boy! If you’re worthless nobody can do anything. I am sure you have heard that a lot. I am not telling you the same.

Nobody is worthless or mediocre as a matter of being. Even a pile of garbage has its worth. It is a matter of time that either someone or you realise the worth.

What if you think you’re not mediocre and they tell you that you’re?

Well! everyone has a story and no matter small or big. Phenomenal or banal. You’re the hero of that story. NOBODY can take that away from you.

But, if you’re a hero how can you be zero? It is their perspective and you cannot do anything about it. Others may think of you as hero or zero, it is ok. But, is it ok?

Hero of one’s story and zero of another’s? The captain says yes.

You seem zero as a sum because of your choices. A complacent man how talented he is, is nada(Spanish! Google it)

What can a zero do? Zero never realises it’s potential unless it finds a non-zero. That non-zero doesn’t come comes finding you. It is within.

Now the question, if it was within why couldn’t I find it earlier? NO, NO! It is not a matter of realization, it is a question of awakening. There is a chance that you can be awake but there is a good probability that it is after the sleep. Another way is someone wakes you up.

There is a Sufi story about a normal man called Mohan. He used to sleep till late, everyday. His mother would tell him all about the benefits of getting up early. Alas! He paid no heed. Once a Sufi was passing by his house. He knocked his home. His mother came and gave the alms to the saint and said that Mohan is sleeping. She lamented, “He just sleeps. Does nothing all day.”. She requested the saint to do something. The saint said, “Jisko jo karna hai kare (Let everyone do whatever they think is right.)”. His mother pleaded. The saint assured her to give it a try. The saint, while passing by the window of Mohan stopped, and said, ” Bahut hua Mohan, Jao!”.(Its enough Mohan, wake up!!”)

As the story goes, not Mohan the person but his soul awakened. He not only awoke but became enlightened.

The point in the story is, the people who called you or made you realize to be mediocre aren’t to be despised. They’re in fact to be thanked.

Who cares for anyone to call them mediocre or anything these days? In these fast moving days. People ignore.

Be thankful that you weren’t ignored. Someone had time and observance to notice you and give you feedback that you’re ‘not up to the mark’. My suggestion is to have these critics closer to you. Telling a candle that it is burning serves no purpose.

I am both indebted and grateful for all the feedback. I will try not to be “mediocre”.


Captain Jack Sparrow.

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