Time – Do we have it or it has us?

Sauce(sic) – https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/time-complexity-of-algorithms/

I am both, overwhelmed and flabbergasted. Reason being that the topic today is not only vast but it is, incomprehensible, infinite and relative.

Before tackling it, let’s understand that It cannot be understood as a whole. There can be perspectives of it that can be presented and looked upon. One saying goes, “who has it doesn’t value it, who doesn’t can’t find enough of it”. Don’t keep searching for the author, it is not anonymous. I just made it up!.

When we are born the only thing we need to do is to kill the time. Just make sure that we survive – of course with the outside assistance! Our time is not relative, it is inculcative. Reason is that we are not tasked. Once we grow up and start going to school, time becomes important. Get up on time, get ready, come back and so on. Later on we’re still pushed into schedule but we do understand the routine. Slowly, slowly (see, the usage of temporal adverbs! ), it is not the routine that defines our time it is the lack of it. We get accustomed to the time.

We’re always told that make use of time, be in the present, present is what we have, past is gone, future is uncertain. I wonder If there is anything as present! It is either recent past or near future. The moment I think of doing anything in present, it is gone, it is past. It’s gone like a whiff…in less than a blink.

Still, time is the most valuable asset that we have. As we are a “decaying asset”, if we don’t do what we want to, we may never be able to do it – So we think!

Are we even sure of how much of it we have? Saving in any term is a form of procrastination. Still we save. Just to use it in an uncertain future. The way I have seen things is, we either are using what someone else had saved for their future (cutting down on their present) or it is a lack of our procrastination (saving for the future).

The only thing that time carries with it is either our stories or regrets. Regrets about the people, emotions, things that we should have indulged into or the lack of them.

Consequently, the only thing in our hand is either to have stories or regrets. Choice lies with us.

One example is – you have may look stupid, irrational or banal at this point in time, but “with time” you would either regret not paying attention to it or cherish having it. My belief is that whatever you have is, is a blessing. Cherish it! As it may or you may not last. Time is passing! Remember?

I am not touching upon the time being relative or incomprehensible. As, it is a feeling. We have all experienced how difficult it is to “wait for a train” and how fast the thing that you like, like “spending time with your loved one” passes.

You may not understand my time and vice versa. Understanding time of one another requires empathy and emotional intelligence. We may have both or one or none.

As George Carlin says, “We don’t tell time, time tells us!

Aloha from the Captain!

Best thing about time is that it changes.